Healthy Future

The biggest health issue in the UK

The available evidence suggests that millions of people find it difficult, if not impossible, to lose weight. It is this single barrier that must be overcome.

What can we do about it?

We are about new ideas and solutions to help people to overcome excess weight and obesity.

Our research programme

We’ve launched an online research programme with Middlesex University to better understand what will best motivate people to lose weight. This research will inform The Healthy Future Programme. The link below will ask you to complete an online survey which should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Join the 1,000 participants being invited to take part in the survey on what best motivates us to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.

We invite you to take part in this survey
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The Healthy Future Programme

This programme offers financial incentives and healthy lifestyle advice, under clinical guidance in a GP Surgery or clinic, to encourage those who want to shed the pounds.

The goal is to help put the patient on the road to a healthy lifestyle. It enables them to regain a healthy weight, whilst countering the consequences of excess weight and/or obesity. This programme aims to lead to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle, by adopting a holistic approach.

We believe that with the right support and incentives people can be encouraged to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. Our Healthy Future Programme sets out how this works and how it can be achieved.

The Healthy Future Programme solution to excess weight and obesity is based on the incentive of receiving regular payments for both achieving and maintaining weight loss.

How much does obesity cost the NHS?

The Department of Health and Social Care states in a recent 2020 paper[i] :

‘it is estimated that overweight and obesity related conditions across the UK are costing the NHS £6.1 billion each year’.

This data is taken from a paper published in ‘The Journal of Public Health Advance Access’ dated 11 May 2011 which set out the NHS costs in 2006 – 2007. The figure for ‘Overweight and Obesity’ is given as £5,146,000,000 and updated to £6.1 billion in real terms.

What could be saved with The Healthy Future Programme?

We believe The Healthy Future Programme could save the NHS over £620 million if it led to a 5% reduction in those with a BMI above 30.

These significant cost savings would be due to:

[i] Source: ‘Tackling Obesity: empowering adults and children to live healthier lives’ dated 27 July 2020

Want to know more?

You can download a free copy of the Healthy Future Programme below which describes how it would work.

You can also sign up to receive our research results or make an enquiry.

Click below to download and read our free PDF booklet.

Healthy Future Programme PDF